How can online ticket sales improve your school events? PART 2
In the first part of this blog series, I talked all about how your school dances can benefit from online ticket sales. But, you plan a...
How can online ticket sales improve your school events? Part 1
You’ve likely realized that there are programs available that would enable you to collect credit card payments for your school ticket...
Curious About Online Ticket Sales?
Here is what one adviser has to say... As advisers, you have a lot on your plate. Between holding student council meetings, planning...
Ultimate Dance Planning Guide
There’s no doubt about it, planning a high school dance is a ton of work. For an experienced adviser, it can be overwhelming. For a...
Using Twitter to Boost Ticket Sales
Homecoming. Prom. 5K Races. Snowcoming. Relay for Life. Senior All Night Parties. Football Tailgates. The list of potential events for...