Ultimate Dance Planning Guide
There’s no doubt about it, planning a high school dance is a ton of work. For an experienced adviser, it can be overwhelming. For a novice, it can feel impossible!
We wanted to help all the newbie advisers out there… because we’ve been there! So, we got together with some great advisers and put together 2 tools for you:
A dance planning checklist - Short and sweet. A 1 page document you can post near your desk to make sure you’re staying on track.
A dance planning guide - Nitty gritty details! A detailed document with all the information you need to help ensure your dance runs smoothly.
You can check out (and download, print, delete... whatever!) the dance planning checklist here:
In the PDF, we’ve also included a few pages of the dance planning guide.
If you’re loving it, you can join our email list to get the entire Dance Planning Guide sent straight to your inbox. (Oh, and we hate spam too, we’ll never abuse your email address).
Happy Planning!